Malach Metal & Machining » Capabilities » Value Add Assembly
Employee working on value added assembly


Utilizing captive hardware in your assemblies means fewer hardware parts to handle, such as washers, lock washers, and loose nuts. These parts are no longer required for final assembly, and less total assembly time is required. Fewer parts and fewer steps mean more cost savings to our customers.

As your One-Stop Shop for sheet metal fabrication services, we perform hardware insertion operations for sheet metal parts used in several industries, including medical, automotive and telecommunications.


Hardware insertion services are offered to install a variety of components, including PEM nuts, standoffs, and studs. Modern punching and laser cutting machines at our facility pierce precision holes for easy hardware insertion.

Malach utilizes the latest in hardware insertion automation.

  • Haeger 824 WindowTouch 5
  • Manual drills
  • Riveting machines 
  • Norlock Clinchers
  • Pemserter Series 2000